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Labels: OS, Technology
I think it's expected I will write on Saddam's execution, the fact that all media and blogs are talking about surely will not allow me to say something new, anyway I have to state five important points: 1. I do not know if Saddam was guilty or not, but for sure I can doubt the court's legality, the only fact it was established under a military occupation, the political pressure and the predetermined condemn, let the trial nearer to a miserable mise-en-scene than a good start for the new Iraqi jurisprudence. Labels: Politics
Ok my friend Anas told me about that: 1 - Open Labels: Fun
Today I've gone to my university, although the bad weather and snow-covered roads, for only one reason: I've had a UNIX quiz. I've waked up at temperature surely less than zero, and then I thought if it was more convenient to leave my home and start a gelid day, or to stay home. I've opted for the first, although the quiz was 'optional'… but here, the fact the quiz was optional is irrelevant, when you are even in need of a single mark (on hundred) you will try to get it in anyway … However, I've reached the university; I've headed to the hall happy to take my quiz until one of the guys of UNIX course stopped me to ask: Where are you going? Don't you know there's no quiz … ehm… and don't you know our instructor traveled away? Minute of silence… is he serious or today is April fool's day? It's not the first time our UNIX lecturer (Mr. M.S) tease us. A Sunday, one reserved only for exams (no lectures) we were forced to go to university to take another quiz but we found Mr. M.S absent. Ok, Mr. M.S left Jordan today to gain a PhD in the US , but it was so difficult to inform us of your travel before, or you've known of only at ten o'clock this morning? You were late at all your lectures, and at a number of them you never come, we take our first and second exams after nearly two weeks of their predetermined date, but what you've done today is really enough…instructors here always criticize students they are undisciplined, but you are worse than us one hundred times…
New search engine that depends on human judgment rather than Google computer-based algorithms Jimmy Wales is the man behind Wikipedia, the multilingual free encyclopedia written collaboratively by millions of people around the world. The encyclopedia is totally online and its site is a wiki, this means that anyone is allowed to edit or add articles, no matter how correct or accurate they are. This led Wikipedia to a sort of controversial status, with many ask the same repeated question: how much are these articles reliable? On the other side, there are people who adore it… (Me for example) why not since it's the incarnation of all open source philosophies? Ok, now take this idea: only what the people say and what people want matter… put it in practice for a search engine, and you will get Wikiasari; the wiki alternative to Google. and other Silicon Valley financiers had already invested millions of dollars in the Wikiasari, they also know that a failure for a similar project is plausible, and to compete with Google (90% of searches online are made with it) the only key of success will be public collaboration and Wales' courage (or maybe madness). Good Luck! (You need it) For more info, visit this page: Labels: Technology
نحن نقول عن مثله هنا أنه "مصلحجي"، دبلوماسياً قد نقول أن الجنرال ميشيل عون رجل له عدة "وجهات نظر"، بمعنى يكون طيلة عمره عدواً لسوريا، ثم فجأة ينزل في الشارع لإسقاط السنيورة لأن حكومته لا تحن إلى سوريا ولا تحبها ! هذا الرجل حارب القوات السورية من عام 1975 حتى 1990، كان يسميها "حرب تحرير" وذلك لأنه كان يريد تحرير لبنان من الاحتلال السوري، ولكن فشل في ذلك وأضطر أن يغادر بلده إلى فرنسا. والآن ما الذي أعاد الجنرال عون عن حربه "المقدسة ضد الاحتلال" السوري؟ ... ربما فهم عون كيف الأمور تجري في بلد الأرز، وما هي حقيقة الوضع هناك، وليس سراً أن عون يريد أن يصبح رئيساً للبنان، فهنيئاً لك هذا المنصب، ونحن لماذا نغضب من سوريا في الأخير إللي فات ... مات ! بالنسبة للصور... في 1990 عندما كان قائداً لسلاح المدفعية في المنطقة المسيحية ضد القوات السورية في 2004 برفقة السنيورة ... والآن هو واقف ضده! في 2005 مع الست كونداليزا رايس !!! في 2006 مع حسن نصرالله في 2005 مع سعد الحريري حتى في المظاهرات الأخيرة وهو يجهز نفسه ليصبح رئيساً Labels: Arabic, Politics, Then...and Now
Today, the deanship of students' affairs in JUST held a nice art exhibition in the show room hall beside al-Farouq hall in Engineering Faculties Complex. Up to 40 drawings are on view in this exhibition, all of student Shorouq Shabsough (Pharm, 5th year) and this is the fourth time these artworks are shown to the audience in our university, although several other exhibitions for this artist were hold in JU, Yarmouk University, Mutah University as well as Saudi Arabia. Shabsough fully merited the third place in the nationwide prize for drawing - 2002. Artistic Technique: The major intension of the artist is to deposit all her energy in these oeuvres that are based on an essential thought of a principle, a sentiment or a feeling from which she mixes several colors in the most proper way, aiming to express herself in boundless freedom and liberty. The other side of the works is represented by her strong sense of belonging to Jordan, so she depicts the passion to her country by pure fantasia. She lives again by these paintings her Caucasian origins and testifies the relationship with ancestors; Circassian culture and folklore are evidently mirrored in her artistic personality.
Labels: JUST, OS, Personal, Technology
Is that a hearsay, or uncle Bill really wants to be the president of the United States ? I don't know if any of these gossips could be true. Anyway, different sites on the net are imagining what will be the consequences of such a decision… Mr. William Henry Gates III , if you don't know, is the president of Microsoft Corporation and has a large number of supporters and fans worldwide(?). In a recent ZDNet poll, nearly 65% expressed their support for a possible candidature of Bill. More than this, the blog is having more and more visitors around the world, it is looking for people to join the (until now virtual) political campaign, and it will publish online polls with Bill facing other potential candidates for 2008 elections. How it all began? Probably all started with a post in Dilbert Blog, when Scott Adams predicted an 'atheist business leader' as future candidate for US president, so he named Bill Gates as most appropriate:
However, days ago Adams criticized the billgatesforpresident blog, stating that his ideal president would be a mixture of Mother Teresa, Carl Sagan, Warren Buffet, and Darth Vader, and Bill (according to Adams) has all of their good stuff;
Labels: Fun, What's on the web
أجد من الغريب حقاً أن دولة كالدولة الفلسطينية التي كانت (برفقة الأردن) الأشد عداءً لإيران-وبشكل خاص أثناء الحرب الإيرانية العراقية- غيرت منهجها السياسي وتخلت عن ثوابتها (إذا بقيت للدول العربية ثوابت)... وأتذكر أنه كان للعرب نظرة بعين الشك إلى كل ما كانت تقوم به الجمهورية الإسلامية، وكان يصل الأمر في مرات عديدة إلى عداء شديد بينها وبين دول وحكومات عربية كانت تجابه إيران دفاعاً عن معتقداتها ولصون مصلحتها العليا. Labels: Arabic, Politics, Then...and Now
Less than a year ago, I was one of participants in the Microsoft Academic Day (MAD), a kind of meeting induced by Microsoft, which aims to present its products to the students of universities and to who begins to have a little knowledge in software development. Labels: Personal, Technology
No I do not mean myself … (Metallers are having bad reputation here lately), I'm talking about Japanese anime accused to be satanic, and mainly the set of cards related to these cartoons.
And the whole page is an official accuse to Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic of being demonic. Gregory Reid goes on with this thesis, but in a scientific-historical approach. (You can read his page full of explanation of the card images here). They let me remember an unordinary 'fatwa' issued years ago here in Jordan and the whole Arab world, that severly prohibited playing with, purchasing and collecting Pokemon cards. Pokemon was banned also from TV...what a pity! Mui, in his political Italian blog, found the argument ridiculous and absurd. Sarcastically; he said that we must inform President Bush that Pokemons will move our world forward a catastrophic end, so he asked: "Why shall we make the things in this world so complicated, if we know that the main reason is Pokemon?" PS: Although I wrote this article, and this blog is named after Yugi, I have no intention to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh again here. Labels: Fun, What's on the web
The first program to be learnt by CS freshmen is a Hello world! program, a simple program that shows the general syntax of a programming language and a basic output statement... In this blog I chose Hello world as title for my first post. Probably nobody will read it (until now i've not told anyone about this blog).
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Labels: Personal