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This blog is TOTALLY designed by me.
No I do not mean myself … (Metallers are having bad reputation here lately), I'm talking about Japanese anime accused to be satanic, and mainly the set of cards related to these cartoons.
And the whole page is an official accuse to Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic of being demonic. Gregory Reid goes on with this thesis, but in a scientific-historical approach. (You can read his page full of explanation of the card images here). They let me remember an unordinary 'fatwa' issued years ago here in Jordan and the whole Arab world, that severly prohibited playing with, purchasing and collecting Pokemon cards. Pokemon was banned also from TV...what a pity! Mui, in his political Italian blog, found the argument ridiculous and absurd. Sarcastically; he said that we must inform President Bush that Pokemons will move our world forward a catastrophic end, so he asked: "Why shall we make the things in this world so complicated, if we know that the main reason is Pokemon?" PS: Although I wrote this article, and this blog is named after Yugi, I have no intention to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh again here. Labels: Fun, What's on the web
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