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Today I've gone to my university, although the bad weather and snow-covered roads, for only one reason: I've had a UNIX quiz. I've waked up at temperature surely less than zero, and then I thought if it was more convenient to leave my home and start a gelid day, or to stay home. I've opted for the first, although the quiz was 'optional'… but here, the fact the quiz was optional is irrelevant, when you are even in need of a single mark (on hundred) you will try to get it in anyway … However, I've reached the university; I've headed to the hall happy to take my quiz until one of the guys of UNIX course stopped me to ask: Where are you going? Don't you know there's no quiz … ehm… and don't you know our instructor traveled away? Minute of silence… is he serious or today is April fool's day? It's not the first time our UNIX lecturer (Mr. M.S) tease us. A Sunday, one reserved only for exams (no lectures) we were forced to go to university to take another quiz but we found Mr. M.S absent. Ok, Mr. M.S left Jordan today to gain a PhD in the US , but it was so difficult to inform us of your travel before, or you've known of only at ten o'clock this morning? You were late at all your lectures, and at a number of them you never come, we take our first and second exams after nearly two weeks of their predetermined date, but what you've done today is really enough…instructors here always criticize students they are undisciplined, but you are worse than us one hundred times…
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