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Saturday, March 24, 2007


Elections were held Thursday (first delayed for bad weather). The good fact is that the Islamists have issued a political brochure with a big Jordanian flag and they defined themselves as 'patriots', it was a very appreciable action, this means they finally discovered there are some Jordanians here in this university... Another good fact is that my friend (a CS candidate) I strongly supported last week won with a very large margin (nearly 70% of the votes)... And most important is the fact that the deanship of students' affairs has prohibited the attachment of any form of electoral posters, for the first time we have clean walls during the electoral campaign!



Our university finally decided to render public the laptop offers for students. Our president, Dr. Oweis more than one year ago announced that several laptops will be distributed to students for reasonable prices, the university has now a wireless network in which every student is able to connect to the net from his own laptop, in a near future, lectures in the IT faculty will be given 'digitally' to students, who can make and submit their works through the net.

However, it seems the prices of the pc's will be high... but, to be serious, the offer is quite good, some student-related features include an anti-theft feature to alarm students in case of notebook theft, voice recording feature with two array microphones to enable clear recording of the lectures and a finger print ID to secure notebooks from access by others.


Our faculty's stupidity is well known, but this time they've exaggerated... The DCCA2007 conference, one of the most important in my university during last years, was held during first exams, I've seen some instructors were not happy of the small numbers of students that have attended the sections, however, they wanted that, in the 4-day conference I had 4 exams, if there was any form of intelligence in this department they would have postponed the exams... or even better annulled them :)

Some volunteers told me they were not treated so well, the university did not offer them even a mean of transportation to the airport; in addition some said that the conference was only a promotion to put a big quantity of $$$ in one instructor's pocket (?)


Friday, March 23, 2007

أتذكر بوضوح موقفاً مررنا به ونحن طلاباً في الصف الثامن أو التاسع... عندما طلب منا أستاذ التربية الفنية أن نرسم لوحة في ذكرى معركة الكرامة، ولكن قبل أن نقبض الألوان الخشبية وقلم الرصاص وقبل أن تتجول في خيالنا الأشكال والفراغات، رفع زميلي يده من على درجه ليوجه الأستاذ المسكين سؤالاً... "سمعت من يقول أن الفدائيين هم الذين حاربوا في معركة الكرامة لا غيرهم"... ارتعد الأستاذ من هذه الملاحظة السياسية التي لا تسمع عادةً في حصص الفن، ولكن من نجاه كان مدير المدرسة المتواجد في الصف مصادفةً، رد المدير على الطالب قائلاً: معركة الكرامة كانت إنجازاً التحمت فيه أطياف الشعب كافة باسم الوحدة الوطنية لمواجهة العدو الغاشم...

بعض الشباب مثلي، الذين لديهم آباء أو أقارب خدموا في الجيش، يعلمون أن هذا الكلام لم تمثل سوى أوهام في أجندة الدعاية للقوات الفلسطينية التي كانت تعمل ضمن الحدود الأردنية، واستغلت هذه القوات تلك الدعاية لرفع معنوية مقاتليها، واستغلتها من جهة أخرى للحصول على المزيد من الدعم المالي الضخم، الذي يعتبر الآن "مفقوداً" في أرصدة تقدر قيمتها بالمليارات، لا يرى الفلسطينيون شيئاً منها.

وعلى الرغم أنه الآن وبعد أربعين سنة أصبح واضحاً للجميع أنه دور القوات الفدائية كان محدوداً في معركة الكرامة، وهذا يمكن أن يكون موضوع بحث لا أتطرق إليه الآن، إلا أن هذا الأمر يستدعي أن نقوم بدراسة معمقة وشاملة للتاريخ الأردني، عسى أن نعطي كل ذي حق حقه لما فيه خير ومصلحة أمتنا.

ومن الجدير بالذكر أيضاً أنه لا يمكن لأي فرد أن ينكر دور كل من الجيش العربي والقوات الفلسطينية في مواجهة العدو، وما نستفيده من ذكرى معركة الكرامة هو شهادة التاريخ بأن هذا العدو هو سهل الهزيمة إن توفرت لنا العزيمة، والأهم من هذا هو أن هذا اليوم يعزز مرة أخرى في نفوس الأردنيين أهمية الوحدة الوطنية... ربما كانت إجابة مدير مدرستي غير دقيقة، ولكن كانت بالتأكيد إجابة مسئولة.

اقرأ أيضا: ناس يحمون الوطن وناس يمحونه - 1

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Wow... An attacker and a goalkeeper at the same time !!

(PS: This is his second goal).


Thursday, March 15, 2007

I presume that Arab people started waiting for Qaradawi's new fatwas as they wait for new albums of their favorite singers. This man was totally unknown until he became a fixed figure in the Al Jazeera program, Sharia and Life, in which he answers questions about everything: religion, economics, politics, physics, medicine, flower gardening…

A key member of Muslim Brotherhood, Qaradawi is also an important shareholder of Bahamas-based Al Taqwa Bank. His last fatwa is one in which he obligates Muslims to kill prisoners of war (if they are "war criminals"), just or not, this is the last religious verdict of the well-known list of Interesting Fatwas of Qaradawi:

  1. Getting a loan with interests (riba) is permitted.
  2. Boycott of American and Israeli products is an obligation for all Muslims. (This seems a good one)
  3. Every Muslim must kill US civilians in Iraq (then, he changed opinion).
  4. Muslim should re-conquer Spain, southern Italy, Sicily and the Balkans.
  5. It's forbidden the use of airports and ports in favor of the war on Iraq, he said this in a mosque of Doha, the capital of the country with the biggest US military base (outside USA).
  6. Some interesting 'sexual' related fatwas. (I will not cite in respect of the readers)
  7. Going to cinema is a sin.
  8. Women can commit martyrdom through "suicidal" operations.
  9. He had permitted and then forbidden and then permitted again listening to music and songs.
  10. A fatwa about jokes and another about smoking.

...Be patient! I will post about new fatwas as soon as they are issued by Sheikh Qaradawi.

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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Some people are beaten up by the police, while others are dancing


Friday, March 09, 2007

I've decided to vote for Petra... more accurately, today I had the time and the determination to finally vote for the capital of Nabateans to be included in the New 7 Wonders list.

Up to now there is a large 'campaign' here in Jordan, everybody is inciting to vote for Petra: radio stations, my university, sms on my mobile, the Sims 2 forum ... Some called for voting because "it's a patriotic duty", others said not to vote (I don't know the reason), however, far away from these 'typical Jordanian' discussions, I've voted for Petra for its magnificence... is this the right term to describe a complete city totally carved in the rock, in the middle of the desert with a unique architecture and the most ingenious engineering ever? I really think that between the finalists Petra is the best.


Inside the city of the rose-coloured Petra, lies the mausoleum of the Prophet Aaron (as), located on one of the peaks of "Hour Mountain".

The inhabitants of this area consider this to be an extremely sacred site and visit it to pray to God for the fulfillment of their wishes.

Ain Musa is the place where Moses struck a rock with a branch, causing water to flow out and slake the thirst of the Israelites. It's situated near Petra.

John William Burgon famously wrote that Petra was a "rose red city half as old as time."

Although at that time Burgon had never been to Petra himself, the phrase has become strongly associated with Petra. In fact the rocks of Petra are of many hues, few of which could properly be described as "rose red".

Near Petra, there is another Nabatean city, Al-Beidha (also called the little Petra). The ruins of this village are 9000 years old and together with Jericho it's one of the most ancient archaeological sites of all the Middle East.

Petra is featured in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade as the Holy Temple where the Holy Grail is located.


Saturday, March 03, 2007

"جانغ دونغ غون" في دور الشيخ غليص
"غانغ هي جونغ" في دور حمدة
"هوانغ شين هي" في دور رداد
"بارك هاي إيل" في دور الشيخ مناع (اللي ما يهاب سود الليالي)

إخراج صون ييه جين

هذا ما سنشاهده ربما في العام القادم، إذا تمكنت شركة إنتاج كورية من فوز العطاء لإنتاج مسلسل بدوي، طبعاً على ذمة جريدة الغد...

"وعد رئيس الوزراء معروف البخيت، العين السابق الفنان نبيل المشيني خلال احتفال جمعية المذيعين الاردنيين بيوم المذيع الاردني يوم الاربعاء الماضي، بمتابعة ملحوظة تقدم بها حول إحالة عطاء بـ"الظرف المختوم" لإنتاج مسلسل بدوي اردني على شركة كورية".

ما المانع أن يكون هناك مسلسل بدوي أردني Made In Korea؟، لا أعرف هل هي كوريا الشمالية أم الجنوبية، أو المقصود من شركة إنتاج "كورية" أنها من "لواء الكورة" في محافظة إربد؟

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