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![]() On June 10 and July 7, 2003 NASA's twin robot geologists, the Mars Exploration Rovers were launched toward Mars. Primary scientific goals of the mission were to search different types of rocks and soils, in addition to discover the sites affected by liquid water in the past. Several photos of the red planet were taken as the robots are supplied with several cameras, one capable of taking images of the surface and sky of Mars and other microscopic cameras to zoom rock and soil targets. In 2007, after three years from Spirit and Opportunity landing (the twin rovers), NASA announced a contest to choose the best photos of Mars, the voting began on January 3, and ended on January 24, and these are the winners (presented in order):
(Photos' descriptions from nasa.gov) Click if you want to see the other photos or the results of Saturn's photo contest. Labels: Art, Technology
Today I've finally finished my exams. But I also took the wrong step of seeing the grades of my previous exams... Blah! they're so ugly, I did not do so well this semester :(
A court has officially ruled that the cause of death was the screaming of the boy, since it was "the only unexpected abnormal sound" and that 443 chickens trampled each other to death in fear. Also, the father of the killer-boy was ordered to pay 1,800 yuan (164 JD) in compensation to the owner of the chickens. For further reading, I advice you to take a look at a valuable scientific article of Mr. Graham B. Scott (of the Scottish Agricultural College) entitled "Effects of short-term whole body vibration on animals with particular reference to poultry". Labels: Fun, What's on the web
![]() After being sure that The guys of
It's known that Micro$oft, pardon... Labels: Technology
King Abdallah told an Israeli Newspaper today that Jordan will develop a "peaceful" nuclear program, he spoke in a long interview with Haaretz correspondent about recent war in Lebanon , the situation in the occupied territories and said:
Previously both Egypt and Saudi Arabia along with Morocco , Tunisia and Algeria announced their intention to promote nuclear power for peaceful purposes, this nuclear renaissance is a clear response to other nuclear programs in the zone.
Or, a donkey up in the air, this is a video my friend Zaid sent to me last night, watch it and if you feel upset take a visit to this site. Labels: Fun
A little surfing on the net shows us exhilarant spying techniques It all started with Echelon, the secretive network capable of capturing tons of security, economic, political and personal information from radio waves, satellite communications, phone calls and emails. Echelon is administered by United States, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand, only one of these countries has total access on stolen data and has full executive powers, and certainly it is New Zealand :) Several sites on the web discuss Echelon, especially in matter of legality and privacy; one is the Echelon Watch, whenever Privacy International Organization offers a detailed report on privacy threads.
US Government spies on others, but it has been spied on too… 140 Israelis have been arrested until now in a secretive and sprawling investigation into suspected espionage. informationclearinghouse has an investigation conducted by C.Cameron on Israelis that have gathered intelligence information on 9/11 attacks in advance, it's worth a visit. Canada is also spying on Americans, the 007 way… A recent AP article started this way: Money talks, but can it also follow your movements?
This happened months after British diplomats in Moscow were accused of spying using electronic equipment hidden inside a fake rock in a park. If you want to know how a rock can 'spy' read this BBC article. Labels: Technology, What's on the web
If you open your email account, probably you'll find it full of spam, a recent study basically affirmed what we all know: 90 percent of incoming mails are received from unknown persons.
Some of them are sent from Fastlink (since I'm a Fastlink subscriber) they (nicely) inform you of special offers, tariffs, reduced prices, subscriptions and a hundred of other things… A new electronic card charged with 1.65 JD is sold at 1.99JD (Taxes included) (4/11/2006) I was told that I'm more fortunate than Mobilecom subscribers; they're blasted with such messages at 2 o'clock (night). Then, there are the patriotic messages: Jordan 1st, in memoriam of Amman bombings martyrs, vote for Petra! … Advertising on mobile phones is being more evident and it seems very useful... Yes, now on my Nokia I have different methods for winning a Chevrolet, or 10000 JD (I have to participate in 5/5 – a TV program) and more important, I know how I can change my life using Feng Shui. (I'm serious; all these things are on my phone!). There are also the "Islamic" messages, I remember one about the war in Somalia and how we should pray for combatants and mujahedeen, it was very popular on the Eid. But the most upsetting was the one I've got yesterday, typically Jordanian, this is its text: The Danish drawer that offended our beloved prophet (PBUH) died in fire. Share this message now because his government tries to conceal this information. Labels: Jordan
Recently, Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez had led off a large scale campaign to nationalize most critical industries and companies in Venezuela, this includes taking over country's power firms, seizing private companies and gaining special powers from parliament to go ahead with his left-wing project. Also recently, our government had announced the privatization transaction regarding electric sector in Jordan, the transaction comprises the sale of 60% of the government’s total shares in Central Electric Generating Company (CEGCO) responsible of electricity generation, 100% of its shares in Electric Distribution Company (EDCO), and a total of 55.4% of the government’s shares in the Irbid District Electricity Company (IDECO). National Electric Power Company (NEPCO), for electricity transmission, will remain fully owned by the government.
Others, happy of privatization, may tell me: "services offered to citizen are now better" or "there's more competition". First of all this is relative, it depends on certain privatized companies and not all them, take for example Jordan Telecom, it has improved some services, but on the other side it has literally monopolized the entire telecom sector, it entered ADSL market with no scruples; for instance, it demands from every subscriber a monthly payment that multiplies costs by two. These companies worry only about their business. What about costs? Well, you can call a Mobilecom subscriber for a reduced price only because both companies are of France Telecom!! Things seem different regarding Royal Jordanian; here a partial privatization appears acceptable and proper, it makes the company more competitive in the international market, but is this the same as to privatize Queen Alia Airport? If we not stop with this "privatization mania" we will perhaps find ourselves with a hundred of low-salary jobs in call centers, more smiles on saleswomen faces, but with an economy totally dependent on foreign companies and multinational giants ready to eat you alive if you are late in paying the bill by one day. Before they privatize Phosphates Co, Potassium Co, Water and Electricity, there is still time to learn from Chavez.
(I mean programming) Yesterday, I've finally delivered my term paper for the PL course (In the department we abbreviate concepts of programming languages by PL or CPL). In the term paper we have to write up the major differences between three important program languages, these languages are chosen randomly, mine were Smalltalk, C and LISP. Majority of students were initially unenthusiastic of the course, the fact we studied a detailed history of programming languages including FORTRAN, COBOL and ALGOL was not so interesting neither of practical use, but things changed when we began to understand the real 'spirit' of programming, not to know how to program but to know what is programming. First-year programming courses will teach you how to get a result by a number of steps, you are totally obscured of what is made behind the scenes, what the compiler does, what you are really doing when you write a statement or what this programming language have some constraints or not. A good programmer should have a practical knowledge of a language, but this is founded on fundamental theoretical approaches, It's not just chance that we study automata theory, discrete mathematics, Chomsky's hierarchy and hundreds of other topics. Without these essentials it seems difficult, or impossible to really understand the significance of implementation or the meaning of any program. Labels: JUST
It's remarkable how many things have been discovered casually. This item almost certainly it's been invented by chance, but it will revolutionize the sport apparel industry. The US Military spent for the production of the fabric more than $20 Millions, and it has already been used to create t-shirts and underwear that remain hygienic either if they are worn for weeks. A protective coating is created on the fibers of the material by first attaching nanoparticles to clothing fibers with the use of microwaves and then, chemical materials that keep away water and bacteria are bound to the nanoparticles. To read the article, click here. Labels: Technology
Labels: Music
What's Barbie's full name? And what does hexakosioihexekontahexaphobiacs mean? Labels: Fun, What's on the web